Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Being So StupiD!!!

So, here I go again. Posting my journal. I was DEAD tired ! Tired of any relationship at all! Just when I thought I found a new guy with a descent manners, the facts I knew (being the last person to know is such annoying!!!) he was a jerk.. like others.

God ! When will my annoying, stubborn thoughts will end? I am fed up with those disturbing guys..

Anyway, today is such a bore, so many things to do.. but i don't know how I can handle those things.. it depends on someone else's opinion. If I were my boss, I would rather just put someone else to start the company web! Why should I have to do things that's not even my responsibilities?

Gila.. kemarin kemarin gue ditipu lagi sama orang.. maksudnya apa ya, nipu-nipu kek gitu? Berasa goblooogg.. banget.. eh, gila.. dah tua gini kok ya juga bisa dikerjain orang.. Huhieheihe.. gila banget !! Ya udah ah.. back to work.. back to my routine.. Ntar lagi deh .. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
