Thursday, February 24, 2005

Feeling LousY...

Niatnya dari hari Selasa kemarin gak masuk.. eh.. ditelpon sama bu Rita .. katanya harus beresin kerjaan dulu.. Gile yee.. lagi sakit sakit gitu tetep aja disuruh masuk coba... Akhirnya.. gue masuk tuw.. jam 2 siang baru nongol. Kek Ongol-ongol.. Eh.. teganyaaaa.. si bu boss malah kabur jam 4 sore!!! mo marah kan? mana pas gue lagi keabisan ongkos pula.. (Woi!! Yang ngerasa bawa kabur duit + HP gue balekeeeeeeennnn)
Hari Rabu, gue Bales dendam deh.. gag masuk seharian.. Tapi tetep yeee.. tu HP gak berhenti bernyanyi.... *keluh* Kapan gue bisa tidur tenang!?
Walhasil, sekarang nih... Hari Kamis.. gue berangkat KEPAGIAN...sukses kan?? sampe di kantor.. belum ada manusia... jam 07.10 udah nyampe kantor coba??!!! Huwh! Dan begitu gue lihat meja.. Ya amplop..banyak kali lah itu kerjaan!!!
Hari ini bisa gajian gag ya.... *nyengir*

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Ugh, today was tiring.. I have to set up meeting with those marketers.. and typing lots of stuff that's to be handed right away. Blum lagi abis kerjain itu, tiba tiba dah disuruh lagi bikin perjanjian dan kontrak.. capek banget.. dah gitu Oceanus bilang dia baru bisa balik besok .. Yah sudah lah... Besok tambah bejibun lagi kayanya yang dateng ke kantor..

I am not complaining sih..cuma BETE aja.. baru sempet makan siang jam 4 sore.. terus banyak deadlines.. (web web web!!)

Capeknya ... anyway... tapi kantor jadi makin rame.. enak lah ..banyak yang bisa dicela ntar.. heuehie... Btw, tgl 7 ada yang udah mulai kerja ... *lirik* I wish you the best .. on your next career deh ya.. *congrats*

Bingung mau ngepost apa... gak bisa mikir blassss..!!

see ya...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Actions In the Office

Bwahahahaha.. Ini asli lagi pada centil... pada nganggur gak ada kerjaan.. eh, benernya ada sih.. foto foto ini diambil pas lagi istirahat.. Yang makan ya makan, yang kerja ya kerja... saya mah foto foto saja lah .. daripada BETE.. ya gag sih? eheihiee.. ya udah ah.. ini langsung diambil, pake digicam temen, scan.. langsung upload bow.. jadi Fresh From the Camera.. *ckckck.. beneran gag ada kerjaan yak?* Lucu-lucu yeeee...
Some Actions Happens in the Office !! Posted by Hello

Pagi Ceria (CeritanyaH)

Brows Yea Right, Met him last nite, and suprisingly.. We had Loads of fun !! I must be loosing my brains... !!!

Anyway, we went back to my house by cab.. and stopped by to take sumthin to eat. It was like nite out picnic or sumthin. We pulled over to some Tahu Thek in Jl. Arteri Pondok Indah, listening to a music coming out from the cab's stereo set (trust me, we heard nice music!). And in front of us, we stared at those lousy traffic jammed! It was too good to be true.. :)

Phew, I am not looking forward for today... So many things to do I think. I have to upload those datas to the website. And my boss Mr. Adam is going to have a serious talk with the contractor.. Not to mention Ms. Rita (dat's mah other boss) is having a seriously stressed up cos' she had a fight wif her boyfriend!

Oh well.. might as well start the MorniNg Coffee !! See Later.. By the way.. I named the Guy Oceanus.. (He is just like the Ocean, slowly, yet.... shockin'!)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

In My Office  Posted by Hello

Di kantor..

Uhm, ya gini deh situasi kantor.. komputernya menghadap ke pintu.. kebayang kalo boss tiba-tiba nongol dan gue gak liat kan??? Duh.. berabenya harus cepet cepet mencet alt+tab!! Ini ceritanya lagi pada centil... satu satu di foto di ruangan kerja masing-masing.. heuahiha... Ya.. mau gimana lagi.. namanya juga kantor baru.. masih berasa Noraknya.. :P
Di monitor, ada foto keluarga gue.. dan sekarang.. foto ini dijadiin desktop gue.. heuahia.. Berasa foto dalam foto.. ya biarlah.. abis gue paling males beli pigura/frame buat ditaro di kantor.. kesannya kok.. Ini kantor atau meja kantor pribadi?
Gila.. gue masih bete aja.. ngerjain tugas-tugas yang seolah gak ada habisnya ini.. Sekarang masih awal bulan.. dan gue juga udah lagi liat liat tanggal.. Gajian masih lama yak?
Oh Gosh!!! Confusing!! I still have to make some summary for web content.. upload some pictures to put in our company's website.. What am I really? Secretary or a super worker? Can't they gimme a break?? Haven't had my lunch yet!! *pantes kok laper*
ah well.... chatting aja dulu kali yeee

AT worK Posted by Hello

Being So StupiD!!!

So, here I go again. Posting my journal. I was DEAD tired ! Tired of any relationship at all! Just when I thought I found a new guy with a descent manners, the facts I knew (being the last person to know is such annoying!!!) he was a jerk.. like others.

God ! When will my annoying, stubborn thoughts will end? I am fed up with those disturbing guys..

Anyway, today is such a bore, so many things to do.. but i don't know how I can handle those things.. it depends on someone else's opinion. If I were my boss, I would rather just put someone else to start the company web! Why should I have to do things that's not even my responsibilities?

Gila.. kemarin kemarin gue ditipu lagi sama orang.. maksudnya apa ya, nipu-nipu kek gitu? Berasa goblooogg.. banget.. eh, gila.. dah tua gini kok ya juga bisa dikerjain orang.. Huhieheihe.. gila banget !! Ya udah ah.. back to work.. back to my routine.. Ntar lagi deh .. :)