Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All these Things!!!

Sometimes you make me sick right to the bone!
But sometimes you cheer up my day like the sunlight
I hate how I feel right now
Wanting you so close, and yet despise what you believe in.
I am being outrageous?
Perhaps so.
But me and you, we should be together in this.
Its not about me, its not about you. This should be us.
Believing in you, believing in what we want, is not all what we have to do.
I need to know. I needed to feel.
This is becoming to those sickening feeling that I've had several times in my life. And I hate to do it all over again. I thought this would be different.
News for you, this is not what I wanted in life.
Why is it so wrong to ask?
And why should I be the one to stop?
Now, I just felt empty....
And I hate this crap!!!

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